Tuesday, February 9, 2010


17. ~Paules:
America will never be Greece, not ever, nor any other socialist hell. I offer you anecdotal stories to cheer your heart:

While in Rome I saw gypsy kids lift a wallet in clear view of Italian police. It took a group of American students to run down the miscreants and return the purloined cache to its rightful owner.

While in Bern I discovered an addict shooting up heroin in my dorm. The hostel manager complained that the government forced him to take in such people. Addicts are thieves, everyone of them, and under all circumstances. The American contingent backed by resolute Aussie allies evicted him bodily from the hostel.

While in Marseilles the Americans in my group swept a park of garbage before we settled to picnic. The French declared that no one asked us to, so why bother? A fellow from New Jersey informed them that Americans do what needs doing. No one has to ask. We left the French students perplexed.

I met an American lad in India who drove a bus across the highest road in the world minus the assigned driver. About twenty minutes into the trip the passengers realized the Indian behind the wheel was drunk. The Europeans protested, but did nothing. A doughty Brit finally tossed the driver. An American finished the job bringing her home safely into Leh.

While in Thailand I raced a bamboo raft down an unnamed river while on a trek to the hill country. It wasn’t some sort of official race. Our very experienced Thai guide offered the following: “When you have Americans in the group, it’s always a race.” Indeed.

I reckon readers know where I’m going with this. America is a very special place, and the American character is as strong as ever. Believe it. We are a righteous and resolute people. Socialism is a cheat and a lie. The American people love liberty today and for all time. Because that’s just the way it is. Count on it.

(Comments from Victor Davis Hanson article 2/10/10)

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