Mother is 91 years old. She is now residing in a nursing care facility after a stroke left her unable to care for herself. The stroke happened February 7th of this year. Her heart is not functioning on the upper part and it allowed blood to pool and then clot which moved to her brain.
She is a woman of pioneering strength. Six children raised to adulthood, one husband, who she said was her biggest child, milking cows, preparing the milk for the creamery with pumped water heated on a wood stove, wringer washer heated the same, then clothes hung on the line, garden and canning etc, etc, etc.
Mother was the second child of 14. Her early life was one of caring for children and preparing for necessary food needs. The 8 girls were of healthy stock and some were very beautiful young women. They had dreams and hope for their future. All married and had families.
Today Mother is the oldest of the four living sisters. Her independence taken from her is a hard blow, and she is reeling coming to grips with her dependence on others.
Mother is a woman of faith in Jesus Christ. Her circumstances has obscured the sweet relationship with her Lord, and she is yearning for the communion again. Perhaps it will be when her soul leaves her body and she will be present with her Lord, but my hope is that she will once more find this comfort on this side of glory.
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