The Technium: Triumph of the Default
Defaults also remind us of another truth. By definition a default works when we — the user or consumer or citizen — do nothing.
But doing nothing is not neutral, since it triggers a default bias. That means that "no choice" is a choice itself. There's is no neutral, even, or especially, in non action.
Despite the claims of many, technology is never neutral. Even when you don't choose what to do with it, it chooses. A system acquires a definite drift and clear momentum from those inherent biases, whether or not we act upon them.
L comments:
The default of this world system is encapsulated as "this evil age"...
"with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved" (2 Thessalonians 2:19).
Don't default on eternal life. Seek the truth of Jesus Christ.
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