"Only scientists and engineers today embrace what the philosophers and literists of yore did: that truth exists independent of humanity and that it is cognizable by reason, discoverable by rationalist inquiry and individuals and society alike are better for discerning it."
(Quote from reader's response to a university professor of humanities moonbat*. *Moonbat = the term references the moon much in the same way that "lunatic" refers to the insanity-causing powers of the full moon (luna = moon). )
Objective truth can be found in a KJV Bible. If not, we'd all be better off going fishing, than spend any time with it, or as our Apostle to the Gentiles said about the truth of Christ's resurrection,
"...if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins. But now IS Christ risen from the dead...since by man came death (Adam) by man (Jesus Christ) came also the resurrection of the dead" (I Corinthians 15:17,20,21).
And that is some objective truth to think about.
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