Wednesday, August 26, 2009

There's a tiger on your tail. . .

There is an old story about two hikers who encounter a tiger. One says: There is no point in running because the tiger is faster than either of us. The other says: It is not about whether the tiger is faster than either of us. It is about whether I'm faster than you. And with that he runs away.

Understand the race we're running in this present evil age. Jesus Christ has won the victory over Satan, that roaring lion, but there is still a race for us to run as becometh saints of the Most High God.

So, run the race that God has put before us. He knows our limitations and has promised the conditions we face are such as are common to man.

"Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain" ( I Corinthians 9:24).

Run your race.

(There is a good sermon from our Pastor on our Standing (in Christ) vs. our State in this present life. I recommend it as we run the race set before us. 8/16/09 Sanctification Central: Paul's Prayers for the Thessalonians. Please go to: and click on Online Messages, then the title.)

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