Enough to say there was a Flood that scrubbed the world down to basement rock and destroyed every geographical feature. Everything currently existing, from the Grand Canyon to the Himalayas, is Post-Flood.
Göbekli Tepe Gobekli Tepe, an archaeological dig in Turkey. Anatolia. Asia Minor.
What then is Gobekli Tepe? It's very cool. I take it as a holy site of Nimrod and his cultus. Nimrod, son of Cush, son of Ham, son of Noah. Rough date, 2100 BC. Perhaps the site is from a later era, and the radiocarbon dating is just really really fouled up. But if it is truly archaic, then its burial would represent the action of Shem, who is generally represented as an evil force in pagan mythology, but they would spin it that way, wouldn't they.
Shem was in actuality the anti-pagan who fought to preserve the pure tradition of Noah, over Ham's corrupt carry-over from an Antediluvian world that was so steeped in corruption as to be irredeemable.
You know where Eden is, right? Lost beneath the waves of the Flood.
(Interesting stuff from J...Go to link below for a really interesting study of the dating of the earth.)
The Age of Base Metal
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